TT – OpenCRM and Jotform an Overview

CRM users are always looking for the easiest ways in which they can get data into their systems to generate new Leads. One popular method is via a webform capturing names and important details, allowing your sales team to start working on the relationship. A great way of bringing Leads into OpenCRM is by using the out-of-the-box integration that is available with Jotform.

In this video, Tom walks you through setting up the Jotform to OpenCRM integration using an API key. This allows any forms in Jotform to appear in OpenCRM and have submissions come through.

Tom then covers the basics of creating your first form (Jotform themselves have a video that explores this in more depth here). He then shows you how to map the fields in Jotform to your fields in OpenCRM.

And then you get to see the form Tom created in action.

If you’d like some more help on getting set up, here is the link to the Knowledgebase article that Tom mentions in the video.

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